Daylight and Weather Events AMX MOD Plugin • Version : 0.1b
* Some codes from AMXX Functions
* Fixed weather, years problems
• Description EN : With this plugin add on your server More events : You have 12 months, yeras , you can start a storm, rainy; and MORE OTHER EVENTS ! Just try
• Description RO : Cu acest plugin adaugi multe evenimente la server : Poti incepe o furtuna, o ploaie , faci sa ninga si multe altelea. Ai timp pe ani, luni,zile la care in functie de anotimp se schimba temperatura, iarna se ilumineaza dimineata mai greu vara mai repede, cand e ora 02:00 AM de ex e noapte pe server ; multe alte efecte . Doar incecati-l.
• VexDUM and FUN Modules must be ENABLED !
• Modulele VexDUM si FUN Trebuie sa fie activate !
• ADMIN Commands:
- amx_monthup" "monthup"
- amx_yearup" "yearup"
- amx_hourup" "hourup"
- amx_dayup" "dayup"
- amx_record_time" "write_time"
- amx_snow" ""< time in seconds, 0 to cancell storm>"
- amx_rain" "< time in seconds, 0 to cancell storm>"
- amx_megarain" "< time in seconds, 0 to cancell storm >"
- amx_megastorm" < time in seconds, 0 to cancell storm>"
- amx_setlight" " 0 ( Dark ) to 26 ( ExtraLight )")
• Cvars:
sv_daylightchange (default =1)
sv_minutelength (default= 60)
sv_allowweather (default =1)
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